Music and videos and stuff I like and want to share with YOU!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Civil Twilight "One of These Days"

A great video by Austin Isaac Peters. Song is "Letters from the Sky" by Civil Twilight.

Calexico & Jim James "Going to Acapulco"

Trippy video with a giraffe, circus characters, and Richard Gere(as Billy the Kid) at a funeral while Jim James and Calexico perform "Goin' To Acapulco" by Bob Dylan. This is a scene from the 2007 biographical film "I'm Not There", directed by Todd Haynes, inspired by Bob Dylan.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Manu Chao "Clandestino"

Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Para burlar la ley
Perdido en el corazn
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Por no llevar papel

Pa' una ciudad del norte
Yo me fui a trabajar
Mi vida la dej
Entre Ceuta y Gibraltar
Soy una raya en el mar
Fantasma en la ciudad
Mi vida va prohibida
Dice la autoridad

Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Por no llevar papel
Perdido en el corazn
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Yo soy el quiebra ley

Mano Negra clandestina
Peruano clandestino
Africano clandestino
Marijuana illegal

Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Para burlar la ley
Perdido en el corazn
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Por no llevar papel

Argelino, Clandestino!
Nigeriano, Clandestino!
Boliviano, Clandestino!
Mano Negra, Ilegal!


(english Translation)

Alone I go with my sorrow
Alone goes my sentence
To run is my destiny
To escape the law
Lost in the heart of the great Babylon
They call me
For not having any papers

To a city of the north
I went to work
I left my life
Between Ceuta and
I’m a line in the sea
A ghost in the city
My life is forbidden
So says the authority

Alone I go with my sorrow
Alone goes my sentence
To run is my destiny
For having no papers
Lost in the heart
Of the great Babylon
They call me clandestine
I’m the lawbreaker

Black Hand clandestine
Peruvian clandestine
African clandestine
Marihuana illegal

Alone I go with my sorrow
Alone goes my sentence
To run is my destiny
To escape the law
Lost in the heart of the great Babylon
They call me
For not having any papers

Algerian, Clandestine
Nigerian, Clandestine
Bolivian, Clandestine
Black Hand, Illegal

Bjork "Hyperballad"

This song creates a video in my head.

We live on a mountain
Right at the top
There's a beautiful view
From the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Car parts, bottles and cutlery
Or whatever I find lying around

It's become a habit
A way
To start the day

I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

It's early morning
No one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
Still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
On their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
Imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks

When it lands
Will my eyes
Be closed or open?

I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you


One of the most beautiful songs ever....some of my favorite versions:

Hallelujah from Jeff Straka on Vimeo.

i heard there was a secret chord
that david played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music, do you
well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
the minor fall and the major lift
the baffled king composing hallelujah


well your faith was strong but you needed proof
you saw her bathing on the roof
her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
she tied you to her kitchen chair
she broke your throne and she cut your hair
and from your lips she drew the hallelujah


baby i've been here before
i've seen this room and i've walked this floor
i used to live alone before i knew you
i've seen your flag on the marble arch
but love is not a victory march
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah


well there was a time when you let me know
what's really going on below
but now you never show that to me do you
but remember when i moved in you
and the holy dove was moving too
and every breath we drew was hallelujah

well, maybe there's a god above
but all i've ever learned from love
was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you
it's not a cry that you hear at night
it's not somebody who's seen the light
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah


And the composer himself,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pretenders "Boots of Chinese Plastic"

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Buddha please
can you help a little peasant that's begging on her knees
illusion fills my head like an empty can
spent a million lifetimes loving the same man

Whoa! Every drop that run through the vein
always makes it's way back to the heart again
and by the way you look fantastic in your boots of chinese plastic

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama too,
Govinda I am still in love with you
I see you in the birds and in the trees
that's why they call me Krishna Mayee

Whoa! Every drop that run through the vein
always makes it's way back to the heart again
and by the way you look fantastic in your boots of chinese plastic

Hofra told us we should tolerate the people and the things that make me wanna hate
oh have a little mixed mercy on me, this seasoned beauty in this human pageantry
Jesus Christ came down here as a living man
if he can live a life of virtue then I hope I can
unto others as you would have a turn
back here and repeat until you learn, learn, learn

Whoa! Every drop that run through the vein
always makes it's way back to the heart again
every dog that lived his life on a chain knows what it's like WAITING FOR NOTHING!

and by the way you look fantastic in your boots of chinese plastic

Piers Faccini in Paris

Piers Faccini: "Your name no More" and "The Wind that Blows" on the streets of Paris.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Learning to Fly

Young blue cranes learning to fly in South Africa. Song is Hoppypolla by Sigur Ros
Watching these birds attempt to fly reminds me of a recurring dream I used to have.

Annie Flore Batchiellilys "Le Pont Qui M'emmene Vers Toi"

Annie Flore Batchiellilys est une artiste Gabonaise influencée jazz, blues et musique traditionnelle, couronnée meilleur espoir féminin aux Koras Awards en 2002 en Afrique du Sud.

Paul Simon "Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes"

This is MORE than music.....this is MAGIC

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Finale

"you see my friend, in this world, there are two kinds of people: those with loaded guns.....and those who dig." The best standoff ever.

Arcade Fire "My Body is a Cage"

with edited clips from Sergio Leone's "Once Upon a Time in the West"

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

I'm standing on a stage
Of fear and self-doubt
It's a hollow play
But they'll clap anyway

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

You're standing next to me
My mind holds the key

I'm living in an age
That calls darkness light
Though my language is dead
Still the shapes fill my head

I'm living in an age
Whose name I don't know
Though the fear keeps me moving
Still my heart beats so slow

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

You're standing next to me
My mind holds the key
My body is a

My body is a cage
We take what we're given
Just because you've forgotten
That don't mean you're forgiven

I'm living in an age
That screams my name at night
But when I get to the doorway
There's no one in sight

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

You're standing next to me
My mind holds the key

Set my spirit free
Set my spirit free
Set my body free

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club "No Easy Way"

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Leopard Seal

This is why I like the internet.....stumbling across stuff that makes me realize what a mysterious and amazing world this is.

Roxy "Shimmer"

Beautiful girls, beautiful surf. Song is "Lovestain" by Jose Gonzalez

Saturday, December 17, 2011

RZA & Xavier Naidoo "Ich Kenne Nichts"


You know they say
In every man's life, there comes a time
When you get struck by the arrow of Cupid
By the love of God, or the beauty of a woman
Yes, sometimes this love brings thunder into your life
And it brings the storm...
Sing about it!

Xaiver Naidoo:

There is more to love than this
Love is more then just a kiss
Will we take you to that step
Will we do more than just connect
And will you bring the thunder in my life
And the fire in my eyes
Cause then there will be days of pleasure and
Everything far will be so near

I have never felt thunder (thunder)
And lightning (lightning) like this
I have never been struck by (struck by)
A wonder (a wonder) like this

Ich könnte tagelang von
Dir erzählen / Ohne deinen
Namen auch nur einmal
Zu erwähnen / Unter
Schmerzen oder
Unter Tränen / würde dein
Name als meine
Linderung dienen / Jede
Deiner Bewegungen sind
Erstrebenswert / Und
Jede Stunde mit dir ist

I could talk about you for days
Without mentioning your name not even once
Under pain or among tears
Your name is my alleviation
Each one of your movements are desirable
And each moment with you is worth living.

Nichts ist vergleichbar mit
Dem was du gibst / Mit
Dem was du zeigst uns wie du lebst, wie du liebst.

Nothing compares with the things that you give
With those you show us how you live, how you love.

Ich kenne nichts,
Ich kenne nichts,
Das so schön ist wie du...

I’ve never seen
I’ve never seen
Something as beautiful as you...

Schöne Tage mit dir sind kostbar,
So kostbar wie der Weg zum Morgenstern.
Ich zelebriere sie wie einen Festtag,
An dem ich immer wieder neues von Dir lern.

Beatiful days with you are precious
So precious as the way to the morning star
I celebrate them like a feast,
Where i always something new from you learn.

Im Moment ist das das Schönste dich zu kennen.
Dich zu kennen ist wie das Beste das ich hab.
Verzeih mir aber dieses sag ich nochmal:
Deinen Namen zu nennen ist wohl das Schönste was ich sag!

At the moment, knowing you, is the most beautiful thing
Knowing you is the best thing that i have.
Forgive me, but i say this again:
Mentioning your name is the most beautiful thing that i say.

Ich kenne nichts,
Ich kenne nichts,
Das so schön ist wie du...

I’ve never seen
I’ve never seen
Something as beautiful as you...

Ich kenne nichts,
Ich kenne nichts,
Das so schön ist wie du...

I’ve never seen
I’ve never seen
Something as beautiful as you...

Ich kenne nichts,
Ich kenne nichts,
Das so schön ist wie du...

I’ve never seen
I’ve never seen
Something as beautiful as you...

Ich kenne nichts,
Ich kenne nichts,
Das so schön ist wie du...

I’ve never seen
I’ve never seen
Something as beautiful as you...

Robert Burns "My Love is like a Red, Red Rose"

O my Luve's like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June:
O my Luve's like the melodie
That’s sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I:
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry:

Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only Luve
And fare thee weel, a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Roy Rogers "Walkin' Blues"

Roy Rogers is a slide guitar virtuoso.

John Butler Trio "Zebra"

John Butler from Australia....getting UnConscious on the guitar. Incredible live if you ever get the chance. He tours all over the world.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

David Bowie "Cactus"

Bowie's version of a great Pixies song.

Sitting here wishing on a cement floor
Just wishing that I had just something you wore
I put it on when I go lonely
Will you take off your dress and send it to me?
I miss your kissin' and I miss your head
And a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead
Run outside in the desert heat
Make your dress all wet and send it to me
I miss your soup and I miss your bread
And a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead
So spill your breakfast and drip your wine
Just wear that dress when you dine
Sitting here wishing on a cement floor
Just wishing that I had just something you wore
Bloody your hands on a cactus tree
Wipe it on your dress and send it to me
Sitting here wishing on a cement floor
Just wishing that I had just something you wore

Pixies "Hey"

been trying to meet you
mmmmmm hmmmmm
must be a devil between us
or whores in my head
whores at my door
whore in my bed
but hey
have you
if you go i will surely die
we're chained

uh said the man to the lady
mmmmmm hmmmm
uh said the lady to the man she adored
and the whores like a choir
go uh all night
and mary ain't you tired of this
we're chained

Furry Lewis "Furry's Blues

This is some SICK guitar playing.
Furry Lewis (1893-1981) was a country blues guitarist and songwriter from Memphis, Tennessee. He toured the blues circuit when he was young, then took a job as a street sweeper in Memphis which he retired from in 1966.
In 1927, Lewis cut his first records in Chicago for the Vocalion label. In 1972 he was the featured performer in the Memphis Blues Caravan, which included the likes of Bukka White, Sleepy John Estes and Hammy Nixon, Memphis Piano Red, Sam Chatmon, and Mose Vinson.
Before he died, Lewis opened twice for The Rolling Stones, played on Johnny Carson's The Tonight Show, and had a part in a Burt Reynolds movie, W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings (1975).

Friday, December 2, 2011

Finding Oregon

This is where I live when I'm not traveling. Produced 2011 by Uncage the Soul Productions Ben Canales, John Waller, Steve Engman, Blake Johnson


1960sMusic 1970s 80s ACDC Acoustic Aerosmith Africa AlanWatts Algeria AliceinChains AllmanBrothers AmandaPalmer AmyWinehouse AngeliqueKidjo AngusandJuliaStone AnnieFloreBatchiellillys ArcadeFire ArcticMonkeys Argentina Arizona Art Astronomy Australia AvettBrothers AyubOgada Bali BBCRadio Beatles Beirut Belgium BenHarper BennyGoodman Beyonce BigEasy Biking BillyCollins Bjork BlackKeys BlackRebelMotorcycleClub Blues BobbyLong BobbyRush BobMarley BombaEstero BonIver BonyKing BruceSpringsteen BuenaVistaSocialClub Bukowski busker Calexico Cambodia CaptainBeefheart CarlosVives CarlySimon ChesterfieldKings Chickenfoot Chill ChrisThomasKing CivilTwilight Clash Classical ClimaxBluesBand climbing ClutchyHopkins CodyChesnutt Colbert Colorado Colors Coltrane Columbia Comedy CoreyHarris Cream CSNY Cuba DamienRice Dance DandyWarhols DavidBowie DeadWeather DengueFever DianaKrall DieArtze Diving Divinyls DizzyGillespie Django DonKelleyBand dreams DropkickMurphys DubFX Dylan EchoandtheBunnymen EddieVedder Einstein ElvisCostello EmilieSimon EricBurdonandWar extreme eyecandy Faces flying Focus FooFighters FoxyBrown France FrankTurner FromtheBasement FullConcert Funkadelic FurryLewis GeorgeCarlin Germany Ginsberg GirlsRock Glossary Gonzo GraysonCapps Greece groove GuanoApes Guitar guitarpractice GustavoSantaolalla Happiness healthcare HenryMiller HipHop Hole Homegrown Iceland IggyPop Intelligence interview invasivespecies Italy JackKerouac JackWhite JamesBlake JanetJackson JanisJoplin Japan JarabedePalo Jay-Z Jazz JeffBuckley JethroTull JimmyFallon JoanMiro JohnButler JohnnyCash JohnnyWinter JoolsHolland JoseGonzalez Juanes KateBush KazukiTomokawa KDLang KidCudi KingsofLeon KiyohikoSenba Korean Korn KristinDiable LadyGaGa LaoTsu LarryAndHisFlask LasOndasMarteles LedZeppelin LeonardCohen LimpBizkit LindseyStirling Lissie LITERATURE LouisArmstrong LouReed Love LOVESONGS M83 Malaysia ManuChao MarconiUnion MarkTwain Matisyahu MaximumBaloon meditation Metallica MGMT MichaelFranti Michigan Mixtape ModestMouse MOsleyWOtta Motivational MötleyCrüe MotttheHoople Movies Mozart MtBachelor Muse MyPhotos Mythology MyVideos Nashville NatachaAtlas NationalGeographic Nature NeilYoung NewYorkDolls NewZealand NickCave NiN NinaSimone Nirvana NorthernExposure opera Oregon Paris ParsonRedHeads PattiSmith PaulSimon PearlJam philosophy photography Picasso PiersFaccini PinkFLoyd Pixies Placebo PlayingforChange Poetry Pretenders Prodigy PublicEnemy Punk Queen QueensoftheStoneAge quotes Raconteurs Radiohead Rammstein RandomActsofCulture recipes reggae RémiGaillard RLBurnside RobertJohnson RodStewart RollingStones Roots RoryGallagher RoxyMusic RoyRogers RufusWainwright Rumi RZA Santogold Science Scooter ScotchetSofa ScroobiusPip SergioLeone SexPistols SHAKIRA SidiTouré SigurRos Simo skateboard Ski SkidRow SonicYouth SouthAfrica Spain sport SRV StaxxBrothers SteelyDan SteveMiller StormLarge stupidity Subdudes SundayMorningSongs Surfing synesthesia Szymborska TakeAwayShows TallestManOnEarth Tears for Fears TED TerenceMcKenna Thailand TheBeautifulGirls TheChamps TheresaAndersson TheWho ThomYorke Timbaland Time TimeLapseVideo TinaTurner TinHat TommyEmmanuel TonyBennett TracyChapman Travel TRex Tricky TromboneShorty Truth TVontheRadio U2 Ukulele Vaccines VanHalen VintageTrouble WaltWhitman WhiteStripes Wilco WildFlag WorldMusic WoW XavierNaidoo XavierRudd Zappa Zombies

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