Music and videos and stuff I like and want to share with YOU!

Friday, August 31, 2012


"Le temps dont nous disposons chaque jour est élastique; les passions que nous ressentons le dilatent, celles que nous inspirons le rétrécissent et l'habitude le remplit."

"The time which we have at our disposal every day is elastic; the passions that we feel expand it, those that we inspire contract it; and habit fills up what remains."
--À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs (Within a Budding Grove), 1919, by Marcel Proust

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tin Hat "2 little whos"

From the new Tin Hat Album  "the rain is a handsome animal",  a magnificent new 17-movement song-cycle based on the poetry of e. e. cummings.  Charming.

e e cummings – “2 little whos”

2 little whos
(he and she)
under are this
wonderful tree

smiling stand
(all realms of where
and when beyond)
now and here

(far from a grown
-up i&you-
ful world of known)
who and who

(2 little ams
and over them this
aflame with dreams
incredible is)

This poem is a sweet description of how two people feel when they are in love.  Two people, lying under a wonderful tree, are talking of their dreams and aspirations.  As they smile and rise together, they must leave the realms of “beyond” and return to “now and here.”  However, because they are still young and because they have each other, they hold onto these incredible dreams as they go through life.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Know Who You Really Are

...Human nature, if one looks deeply at its source, is only conditioned social and cultural behavior passed down through generations. We are not alien spirits on this planet seeded here from another realm, we are more like apples who grow from the apple tree, we grew out of planet Earth. According to science, if you roll the clock back to the big bang, all matter in the known Universe can be condensed down to the size of a tip of a pen, so to think we are divided individual beings, is only a illusion the ego creates. You are no more different and divided from other life forms, then a wave is different and divided from the ocean or the leaves that are from a tree. The whole point of spiritual "methods" such as meditation, is to root you back into the Present Moment, which IS the only place One will ever BE. But the tools and "methods" should not be worshiped no more then the meal you just ate to sustain your energy. Giving power to "methods" only transfers your presence away from what You already posses within. So to put off your Awakening to some far off divine event, such as years of meditation or the day You reach your death-bed, is only escaping the work that needs to be done Today, and that is to Know who You Really ARE, beyond the "image" we only "pretend" to BE...
Art by: Robby Donaghey

You Are The Universe Experiencing Itself

How important are you?   You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. 
Be what and who you want to be. This is YOUR life to create.  And whatever you create is perfect. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rachid Taha "Barra Barra (Everybody Out)" رشيد طه - بره بره

Rachid Taha - Everybody Out!
رشيد طه - بره بره
Barra Barra
Movie Scenes from BlackHawk Down

"Barra (بره)" means "outside" and therefore "barra barra" means "get out" or "everybody out". This song is about all the problems there are in Algeria, and the reality that you have to get out of the country to escape those things.
Of course Rachid Taha like most of the biggest Rai singers has in fact fled Algeria and currently lives in France.

Everybody out! There's sadness, rage and treachery
Everybody out! Corruption and jealousy, no longer can anyone be trusted
Everybody out! Thirst, the people are forsaken
Everybody out! There's no honor, just oppression and slavery
Everybody out! Thankfulness is gone and ugliness is everywhere
Everybody out! The stars have gone out and the sun has gone black
Everybody out! There's no more goodness, happiness or prosperity
Everybody out! There's no more trees and the birds have stopped singing
Everybody out! There's no day or night, only darkness
Everybody out! Hell has taken over, there's no beauty left
Everybody out! The time has passed, there is no honor
Everybody out! There's corruption and war and the blood is running
Everybody out! Only the walls are left standing
Everybody out! There's fear and so everyone is silent

رشيد طه - برا برا

بره بره... الحزن والبغض والزوارة
بره بره... الفسد والحسد ما بقى أمانة
بره بره العطش والناس منحوسين
بره بره... لا حرمة ظلم وعبودية
بره بره... الشكر دان والقبح ران
بره بره... النجوم طفت ظلمت الشمس
بره بره... مابقي خير لا سعاده ولا زهار
بره بره... مابقت شجرة سكتوا لطيور
بره بره... مابقي ليل ولنهار لضلمه
بره بره... الجهنم نما ما بقي الزين
بره بره... كتر الزمان مابقت حرمه
بره بره... الفسد والحرب والدم يسيل
بره بره... الحيطان الحيطان واقفين
بره بره... الخوف فالناس ساكتين

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Cure For Insommnia

..."So there is always this blank side of experience. What I'm suggesting is that the blank side of experience has the same relationship to the conscious side as the off principle of vibration has to the on principle. There's a fundamental division. The Chinese call them the yang, the positive side, and the yin, the negative side. This corresponds to the idea of one and zero. All numbers can be made of one and zero as in the binary system of numbers which is used for computers.

And so it's all made up of off and on, and conscious and unconscious. But the unconscious is the part of experience which is doing consciousness, just as the trough manifests the wave, the space manifests the solid, the background manifests the figure. And so all that side of life which you call unconscious, unknown, impenetrable, is unconscious, unknown, impenetrable because it's really you. In other words, the deepest you is the nothing side, is the side which you don't know.

So, don't be afraid of nothing. I could say, 'There's nothing in nothing to be afraid of.' But people in our culture are terrified of nothing. They're terrified of death; they are uneasy about sleep, because they think it's a waste of time. They have a lurking fear in the back of their minds that the universe is eventually going to run down and end in nothing, and it will all be forgotten, buried and dead. But this is a completely unreasonable fear, because it is just precisely this nothing which is always the source of something. 

Think once again of the image of clarity, crystal clear.
Nothing is what brings something into focus. This nothing, symbolized by the crystal, is your own eyeball, your own consciousness." ~Alan Watts...
Art by: Justin Bonnet

Rutger Hauer "Tears in Rain"

Tears In Rain is the final monologue of the Replicant Roy Batty in the movie Blade Runner. It has been described as "perhaps the most moving death soliloquy in cinematic history". The final form of the speech was improvised by Rutger Hauer.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain............Time to die".

Thursday, August 23, 2012

David Bowie "Cracked Actor"

My fav bowie song forever

Crack baby Crack, show me you're real.
Smack baby Smack, with all that you feel.
Suck baby Suck, yeah, give me your head,
Before you start professin' that you're knocking me dead.

Nothing is as it Seems

Nothing is what it seems. Not a single thought, conception, or experience, high or low, is anything but a modification of dreams, a kind of hallucination, the conjunction of wave patterns in vibratory frequencies, typically appearing very elusive to perception in the denser realms of the ordinary senses, where thought-energy rigidifies momentarily into seemingly solid objects. Nevertheless, there are no enduringly solid objects. This so-called world is a phenomenon of luminous interweaving energetic interactions — a radiant play of light.

It is always an event in Consciousness, in the vastness of which everything that appears is simply a modification. However, when we attach, or cling to, or fixate on any of these endlessly arising objects or conditions or their effects, exclusive of their Source, then we make those objects, states, or conditions “real” by the process of identification and differentiation — we grant them substantiality apart from ourselves, and thus create our own suffering as a result.

By Grace, when that perceptual presumption of duality is recognized as the activity of separation itself and thereby begins to be undermined, these billion upon billion appearances once more become non-binding, fluid, and transparent. The whole adventure they imply – in whatever realm, heaven and earth or hell and high water — is recognized as an expression of the dream, having no defining or ultimate significance, but only as the play of Mystery — the Unknown — Itself.

We do not know what any of this is! We cannot actually differentiate ourselves from a single thing, any more than wetness can separate itself from water. There is no definitive explanation for any of it, nor is there really any need for one, except to the mind of dilemma. This is not a matter of belief or speculation. It can be directly verified when one stops and simply contemplates the mystery of one’s own appearance here, the awareness that we Are, but that “What” is aware is unknowable, since it can never be an object to itself. It just is. Is.

What we know of dreams can serve to illuminate our “position” in the so-called waking state. In either, we are in exactly the same situation – we appear to create our environment in both conditions, as well as our sense of being an independent “I”, but we have no idea how this is happening, except that we Are. Everything else is subject to interpretation, but the simple fact of Awareness is our irreducible inheritance.

By allowing attention to rest in this Awareness of pure being itself, rather than on the objects and events that appear and disappear in the absorbing play of thought-energy, something quite interesting is revealed. Clearly the dream is a creation, a product of our own consciousness — who makes this dream but us? And yet we don’t know what we Are, except that we Are. Our experience here is free from thought and movement, with no judgment or measure of inside/outside – utterly clear and transparent, like space. There is no separation between the experiencer, the experiencing, and the experience.

On the other hand, though dreaming arises in our own consciousness and dissolves “there” just the same, can we even call it “our own”? When we awaken, we realize the dream has no concrete substantiality, except what we might attribute to it in our conditioned and conditional knowing. This activity is itself a kind of humorous pretense that most take quite seriously, nevertheless. So serious, in fact, that when differing dreamings clash, further confusions, contentions, and even wars follow. Who would imagine that world conflicts originate in dreaming?

Just so, this waking realm can be seen as not a place or world, but as an indefinite dimension that is not fixed like any object, but fluidly manifesting as a play of infinite possibility. Then, our limited points of view can begin to be submitted to a conscious process in which we unfold in a truly heart-felt relationship to the wonder of this mystery, without the terrible burden of knowing or identification, or even any humorless concern about the implications of the dream world itself. Paradoxically, we can begin to become responsible for our separative tendencies, which are the real creators of every circumstance of the dream, and the source of our suffering and chronic sense of alienation.

This true responsibility is relative to the force of our own activity, which creates the drama in the same way as if we were to complain about a pain in our arm, only to discover that we have been pinching ourselves in our sleep. The dream itself does not have to be accepted or rejected in terms of any of its content. It resists definition. Where do we dream? Where is a “place”? It is our own habitual activity which is separating, contracting, seeking, suffering, imagining, and calling all of this into form and giving it a kind of reality. When this is seen, felt, and welcomed without recoil, without grasping or turning away, then our inherent freedom “resumes” as the ordinary and natural state of being.

~Bob O'Hearn~
"As We Think"

Monday, August 20, 2012

Life is but an Empty Dream?

Camp 4 Collective -- Carston Oliver -- Nate Balli [Edit] from Camp 4 Collective on Vimeo.

“A Psalm of Life”

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream! -
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each tomorrow
Find us farther than today.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
And our hearts, though stout and brave,
Still, like muffled drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life,
Be not dumb, driven cattle!
Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!
Let the dead Past bury its dead
Act, - act in the living Present!
Heart within, and God o’erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.

Footprints, that perhaps another,
Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.

---Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Jimmy Chin "Yosemite Climbing Culture"

"the dirtbag shower is always on Cold"

Directed: Renan Ozturk and Jimmy Chin
Produced by: Jimmy Chin
Edited by: Renan Ozturk
Cinematography by: Renan Ozturk, Mikey Schaefer, Tim Kemple and Jimmy Chin
A behind the scenes adventure with photographer Jimmy Chin as he attempts to do justice to the cutting edge of climbing today in Yosemite for a National Geographic cover story.
Green Button Music
"As The Clock Turns"
"The Museum"
Random Rab
"K'Khana" (Featuring Rigzin)
"The Alienist"

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Killian Martin "A Skate Escalation"

Wow. Skateboard as Art/Dance


Music: Patrick Watson - "Tracy's Waters"

Thursday, August 16, 2012

This Is YourSelf

..."You cannot control your thoughts, and you cannot control your feelings, because there is no controller. You are your thoughts and your feelings, and they are running along, running along, running along. Just sit and watch them. There they go. You are still breathing, aren't you? Still growing your hair; still seeing and hearing. Are you doing that? Is breathing something that you DO? Do you see? Do you organize the operations of your eyes, and know exactly how to work those rods and cones in the retina? Do you DO that? It happens, and it is a happening. Your breathing is happening. Your thinking is happening. Your feeling is happening. Your hearing, your seeing, the clouds are happening across the sky. The sky is happening blue; the sun is happening shining. There it is: all this happening.

May I introduce you? This is yourself. This is a vision of who you really are, and the way you really function. You function by happening, that is to say, by spontaneous occurrence. This is not a state of affairs that you should realize. I cannot possibly preach about it to you, because the minute you start thinking 'I should understand that,' the stupid notion that 'I' should bring it about arises again, when there is no 'you' to bring it about. That is why I am not preaching. You can only preach to egos. All I can do is talk about WHAT IS. It amuses me to talk about what is because it is wonderful. I love it, and therefore I like to talk about IT. If I get paid for it, it is because sensible people get paid for doing what they enjoy doing. My whole approach is not to convert you, not to make you over, not to improve you, but for you to discover that if you really knew the way you were, things would be sane. However, you cannot do that. You cannot make that discovery because you are in your own way so long as you think 'I' am 'I,' so long as that hallucination blocks it. The hallucination disappears only in the realization of its own futility, when at last you see that you cannot make yourself over." ~Alan Watts...
Art by: Shawn Hocking

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Snowboarding on Bachelor's Northwest Side

Julia Snowboarding Sparks Lake, a black diamond run on the Northwest side of Mt. Bachelor in April 2008 on a Bluebird Day.

Songs are "Nessaja" by European techno band Scooter, and "Elevation" by U2.

Monday, August 13, 2012

When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer

I Am Not I

I am not I. 
I am this one, 
walking beside me whom I do not see, 
whom at times I manage to visit, 
and whom at other times I forget; 
who remains calm and silent while I talk, 
and forgives, gently, when I hate, 
who walks where I am not, 
who will remain standing when I die.

Yo no soy yo
Soy este
que va a mi lado sin yo verlo; 
que, a veces, voy a ver, 
y que, a veces, olvido. 
El que calla, sereno, cuando hablo, 
el que perdona, dulce, cuando odio, 
el que pasea por donde no estoy, 
el que quedará en pié cuando yo muera.

~ Juan Ramón Jiménez ~

Elephant Taxi

Going for a ride at Patera Elephant Farm near Chiang Mai, Thailand in March 2011

If you can't see my Smile.......

If you can't see my Smile today, I must be upside down :-)
----photo at Perhentian Island, Malaysia, August 2011 by Julia

The Purpose of Words

The purpose of fish traps is to catch fish. When the fish are caught, the traps are forgotten. The purpose of rabbit snares is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snares are forgotten. The purpose of words is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten. Where is the man who has forgotten all words. He is the one I would like to speak with.

~ Chuang Tzu ~

Photo from Ankgor Watt, Cambodia by Keith   April 2011

My Life Philosophy

"Live as if you where to die tomorrow; Learn as if you were to live forever."

photo from our Kalalau Trail hike on the Napali Coast in Kauai, Hawaii by Julia

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Green Lakes Hike

Let Hailey be your guide to the Green Lakes and Fall Creek.....the most popular hike near Bend, Oregon.  Music is "Pump Me Up" by Edwin Yearwood and Krosfyah.

Shooting Stars

Mind you, sometimes the angels smoke, hiding it with their sleeves, and when the archangel comes, they throw the cigarettes away: that’s when you get shooting stars. – V. Nabokov

A Night at Bhodi's in Cambodia

A typical night at Bhodi's Place in Kampot, Cambodia.  A balmy, black night, millions of stars, chill and happy backpackers,  a warm salt river with phosphorescent algae, Khmer blues music, strong drinks and the sweet smell of reefers.

Alan Watts "The Way of Waking Up"

"So then, here's the drama. My metaphysics, let me be perfectly frank with you, are that there is the central Self, you could call it God you could call it anything you like. And its all of us. Its playing all the parts of all beings whatsoever everywhere and anywhere.

And its playing the game of hide and seek with itself. It gets lost, it gets involved in the farthest out adventures but in the end it always wakes up, and comes back to itself. And when you're ready to wake up, you're gonna wake up. And if you're not ready your gonna stay pretending that you're poor little me."

with background music by Kitaro- "Endless Water" and "Tree" from his album "Ki"

Friday, August 10, 2012

Elephant Wash

Julia washing her elephant at Patera Elephant Farm near Chiang Mai, Thailand in April 2011.

Sea Lion on New Zealand Beach

Julia playing with Sea Lion on a New Zealand Beach near Dundedin.

Chiang Mai Busker

Blind Busker in Chiang Mai's Chinatown in March.

Riding the Bull

 Julia "Riding the Bull" on the Lower Deschutes River last week.

Learning to Fly Pt. II

The Wind could carry me on the last part of my Journey, 
if I become light enough,

by letting go of the few things I am still clinging to.....that still believe in at Crater Lake National Park by Julia.


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