Music and videos and stuff I like and want to share with YOU!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Last Night's Dream

In last night's dream I was sitting on a terrace in sixteenth-century Rapallo, drinking a pitcher of wine: I was a BIG man, 300 lbs, with a huge goiter, and my children played in the dirt at my feet.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Last Night's Dream

 In my dream last night I had an arm-punching contest with Shaquille O'Neal. It felt like punching the side of a cow every time I hit him but when he hit me it never hurt and he got frustrated so I took him to my Mom's house and she had a fresh baked cherry/rhubarb pie. I got one piece and Shaq ate the rest. He told us how he used to play the arm-punching game with Kobe, and Kobe would cry.

The entire bloomin' universe

Beauty is in the Details

Beauty is in the details

There's a Natural Mystic Flowing Thru the Air


(Fade in)


[Chorus 1]

          Dm             Em                  Am
There's a natural mystic flowing through the air.
       Dm             Em               Am
If you listen careful-ly now, you will hear.

           Dm           Am       Dm                   Am
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last.
     Dm                Am
Many more will have to suffer,
     Dm        Em      Am         Dm     Am
Many more will have to die; don't ask me why.

[Verse 1]

Dm                  Em               Am
 Things are not the way they used to be,
         Dm      Am
(I won't tell no lie),
        Dm          Em         Am
One and all have to face reali-ty now.

          Dm                Am         Dm                     Am
'Tho I've tried to find the answer, to all the questions they ask.
       Dm           Am
'Tho I know it's im-possible,
      Dm     Em          Am          Dm      Am
To go living through the past; don't tell no lie.

[Chorus 2]

          Dm             Em                  Am
There's a natural mystic flowing through the air.
      Dm        Am
Can't keep them down.
       Dm             Em               Am
If you listen careful-ly now, you will hear.


 There's a natural mystic, blowing through the air.


[Verse 2]

           Dm           Am       Dm                   Am
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last.
     Dm                Am
Many more will have to suffer,
     Dm        Em      Am         Dm     Am
Many more will have to die; don't ask me why.

[Chorus 2]

          Dm             Em                  Am
There's a natural mystic flowing through the air.
        Dm      Am
I won't tell no lie.
       Dm             Em               Am
If you listen careful-ly now, you will hear.
          Dm             Em                  Am
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air.


Such a natural mystic, blowing through the air.
There's a natural mystic, blowing through the air.
Such a natural mystic, blowing through the air.
Such a natural mystic, blowing through the air.
Such a natural mystic, blowing through the air.

Yellow splash

A darker center, 
yellow petals surrounding
The sun shines bright!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Scream - Sebastian Cosor

The Scream - Sebastian Cosor - from Sebastian Cosor on Vimeo.

“I was walking along a path with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature.” Edvard Munch, 1893 Edvard Munch + Pink Floyd +

Saturday, June 4, 2016

15 Things Happy People Avoid

Happiness: something everyone hopes to achieve in his or her lifetime. Such a simple concept, yet many have trouble realizing how to obtain it. Sometimes we unintentionally create our own obstacles that prevent us from achieving this goal. It is ever so important to realize the ways we are limiting ourselves so we can fully reach happiness.

Happy people and unhappy people see the world through two completely opposing views. Here are fifteen behaviors happy people avoid:

1. Gossip
The only people who gossip are people whose personal lives are not fulfilling enough. If you are happy and content with your life, why do you even care what is going on in someone else’s? There is no reason to engage in this petty behavior — all it does is make you look pathetic and jealous.

2. Concern Themselves With Other People’s Problems
People who are unable to mind their own business are most likely internally miserable. They seek to find faults within others just to make themselves feel better. They tend to lead boring lives and have no excitement in their own, so they act in this manner to create something out of nothing. They seek to fill the gap in their lives by discussing the lives of others and judging them harshly, so that they can feel better about their own miserable existences.

3. Think Negatively
There are the miserable people, who are always complaining about anything and everything, while on the other side, we have the optimistic people who always look at the glass as half full and are constantly looking for more out of life. Thinking positively will directly affect your happiness since you are focusing on the good as opposed to the bad.

4. Act Jealous
There is no reason for a happy person to act jealous towards others. They recognize the good fortune they possess and relish in it. They do not compare themselves to others since they are more than likely content with themselves. Instead of acting jealous towards others, they take pleasure in their success and celebrate their accomplishments with them.

5. Seek Validation From Others
Happy people do not look to others to confirm their self-worth. They recognize their value on their own and don’t live up to anyone’s expectations. They do things for themselves that they believe will advance them in life. By not concerning themselves with the opinions of others, they can focus on personal growth.

6. Seek Revenge
There is no reason to actively seek revenge against another person. Leave that up to karma and just continue living your life accordingly. Instead of focusing on revenge, happy people try to make peace with the issue. The only way to stop revenge is to give up and to accept it. Replace the evil feelings with opposite thinking. This is the only way; rise above it and let it be.

7. Hold Onto Resentment
By holding onto resentment, all you are doing is continuing and intensifying your own sadness. Learn to let things go, especially those which are unchangeable and that are in the past. This feeling will eat at you from the inside and cause stress. There is a unique sense of freedom once you let your anger go.

8. Argue For The Sake Of Being Right
It’d be easy to voice my thoughts rationally, but quite as easy to do it condescendingly as well. Many people will have a belief and will hold onto it even when contrary facts are presented to them. If it is a topic that you know they won’t listen to with open ears, don’t open your mouth just so you can appear wiser in the eyes of those around you. You’re only boosting your ego. Do not force your opinions on others or think you know best, as everyone is coming from somewhere. State your point calmly and listen to others. At the very least, you can always agree to disagree.

9. Have Expectations
One of the biggest challenges we face in life is learning to accept people for who they truly are. Once you realize that your expectations cannot change people, the better off you will be. The problem will arise when the expectations do not materialize. Unrealistic expectations will, can, and most often do lead to disappointment. Do not expect things out of situations; just go into them with an open mind. This will allow you to fully immerse yourself without the pressure of living up to preconceived notions.

10. Avoid Personal Problems
When a problem arises, it is the unhappy people who tend to ignore it. This is an awful way to handle situations as the longer you let a problem linger, the greater it will become. You need to tackle issues head on and as soon as possible in hopes of rectifying the circumstances. The stress and anxiety of ignoring such things can and will make you miserable and consumed with worry.

11. Look For Happiness Externally
Your happiness is contingent upon your outlook and not the actual situation. You have the power to view things in certain ways, so it is crucial to try and remain positive. Look within yourself to create your own happiness. Do not look at others to fulfill you, you are more than capable on your own. No relationship or material possession can bring you true happiness until you are happy on your own, first and foremost. This is a fatal error far too many people make in their lives.

12. Overthink Things
Over thinking is what creates problems from nothing and is probably the leading cause for arguments between two people. Many people falsely believe that by over thinking certain things, they can garner a better result. There are actually little to no benefits to over analyzing any given situation. All this will do is cause a person stress and anxiety. The more time a person analyzes a decision, the more time this person makes themselves susceptible to negative thinking. Rational decisions can become clouded when a person lingers on them for too long. The motivation and drive behind the initial idea can and will start to obscure.

13. Live In The Past
The past is the past for a reason — it has already happened. There is no reason to linger there since it cannot be changed. Happy people tend to make peace with their past and focus on the future. They actively seek out different opportunities in order to make the most out of their lives.

14. Follow The Crowd
Confidence is a crucial aspect of any happy person, just like this is a critical characteristic for a leader. Happy people tend to be secure in their values and beliefs and, as a result, have a propensity to be leaders as opposed to followers.

15. Take Things Personally
When you hear a comment that you think is directed at you, take a moment and think. Do not over analyze the situation at hand, just let the other person speak freely. Listen completely to what this person is saying – selective hearing is the cause of these misinterpretations. People tend to get caught up in petty drama, which typically occurs when one person takes something the wrong way. When it comes down to it, you’re in control of how you interpret things. Think of how much more you could achieve with a new perspective, one seen only through your eyes.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Create your own Reality

Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.

photo by Juliahee

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

People on a Bridge by Wislawa Szymborska

A strange planet with its strange people.
They yield to time but don't recognise it.
They have ways of expressing their protest.
They make pictures, like this one for instance:

At first glance, nothing special.
You see water.
You see shore.
You see a boat sailing laboriously upstream.
You see a bridge over the water and people on the bridge.
The people are visibly quickening their step,
because a downpour has just started
lashing sharply from a dark cloud.

The point is that nothing happens next.
The cloud doesn't change its colour or shape.
The rain neither intesifies nor stops.
The boat sails on motionless.
The people on the bridge
run just where they were a moment ago.
It's difficult to avoid remarking here:
this isn't by any means an innocent picture.
Here time has been stopped.
Its laws have been ignored.
It's been denied influence on developing events.
It's been insulted and spurned.

Thanks to a rebel,
a certain Hiroshige Utagawa
(a being which as it happens
has long since and quite properly passed away)
time stumbled and fell.

Maybe this was a whim of no significance,
a freak covering just a pair of galaxies,
but we should perhaps add the following:

Here it's considered proper
to regard this little picture highly,
admire it and thrill to it from age to age.

For some this isn't enough.
They even hear the pouring rain,
they feel the cool drops on necks and shoulders,
they look at the bridge and the people
as if they saw themselves there
in the self-same never-finished run
along an endless road eternally to be travelled
and believe in their impudence
that things are really thus.

poem by Wislawa Szymborska
painting by Hiroshige Utagawa

Sunday, April 3, 2016

What You Have To Offer Is YOU by Charlie Kaufman

This is an excerpt from an incredible speech made by Charlie Kaufman during BAFTA's 2011 Screenwriters' Lecture Series. The video touches on how the world is built on consumerism. It serves to distract us, killing the human in side of us, leaving us feeling inadequate, lonely, empty and scared. One way to combat this is to realize this is not reality. You can make another choice; you have that power.


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